Dont Think Just Do

The Phrase Dont Think Just Do, helped me start My You Tube Channel, Missfaylyn Plays Sims, it helped me create this website and blog, and I would never have started streaming if not for this saying.

I started thinking about this phrase years ago.

Don’t think Just do.

What it means to me is when I start overthinking something, when I start feeling scared or nervous of making a jump towards something I want, I say this phrase in my mind, a few times, and instead of thinking I just Do.

It has come in handy several times in the last few years.

It has made me make jumps towards making my own life richer on new experiences.

Some of them good, and some of them bad, but even the bad taught me a lot about myself.

This phrase changed my life around.

Before I stumbled upon this little saying, I was living in constant stagnation.

It could take me months to be brave enough to just take a leap into something new, if I even made the jump at all.

And I needed new.

For years I lived every day the same way.

I experienced nothing new, and felt like I was just being carried away with the stream of life.

No control over where I was going.

Every time I wanted to try something new, my fear and anxiety stopped me.

“I really want too, but I can’t”.

“I would love to do this, but I can’t”.

“Sorry I know I said yes, but I have to cancel”.

For years I did this.

I was so scared of feeling pain, or taking a wrong step in life.

I was so scared of doing the wrong thing that even the possibility of doing something right, scared me off from trying, because what if it turned out to be wrong.

Before I changed my thinking something bad happened.

I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 7 years.

I was heartbroken for months.

My life turned worse then it had been before the breakup, but even though every day was painful, I felt something I had never felt before.

I felt very strongly.

For years I had protected myself a little bit too carefully.

I was so used to saying no, that I started to feel like a robot.

I just lived, ate, slept, and escaped into the fantasy world of gaming and watching tv shows.

Constant entertainment, no purpose.

This lifestyle had taken a toll on me.

Feeling nothing for years, except from fear, and constant anxiety over the future, it left me feeling numb and unhappy.

Like a robot.

Until that breakup.

For months I felt the despair, the loneliness, the confusion, the fear and anxiety.

I felt angry, ashamed, depressed.

I had hit rock bottom.

One day something changed.

One day, when I felt I had nothing, I suddenly started to hope.

Hope for a better future.

This was the first time, I no longer wanted to live my life pleasing people.

This was the first time I was so angry at the world, that I just thought F… it.

“Today I live for me, and I will do all the mistakes and say yes more then I say no.”

“Yes, I might feel sad, I might get angry, I might lose everything again, I might fail, but its nothing I haven’t already lost, its nothing I haven’t already felt.”

So, I came across the phrase.

Don’t think just do.

I still don’t remember where I found it, I think I was just googling one day and saw a picture with this sentence.

And I went on to DO.

I did a lot of new things I had never experienced before, and to this day I still constantly do new things.

Every time I feel myself overthinking something I stop my thoughts, and I just jump into it fearlessly.

I’ve learned that sometimes, you have to try to find out if its just as bad as you might think it is, and in my experience.

Everything I was so scared of trying turned out to be the best experiences in my life.

I’ve learned since then that the things you worry about, only 90 % of it is true.

So mostly we just spend time worrying about nothing.

While being so scared of pain, it stopped me from living life.

Forgetting that pain is a part of life, without feeling pain, you never feel the really good in life too.

Life isn’t just black and white, its in all the colours and emotions out there, it’s a lifetime of new experiences, mistakes and small successes.

And when I really started to realise this, it made it easier to really live my life.

I still have a lot to learn about life, and myself.

I still occasionally think more then I do.

It’s a balance, and I have to constantly remind myself to live more, and try more, then too quickly say no to things.

But what this phrase has already taught me is a lifetime worth of value.

I would never have started my You Tube channel if it wasn’t for this phrase.

I would never have attended the group I did last fall.

The group that changed my life to the better.

I would have never started this blog or started streaming.

So do you have anything where you think too much instead of just doing?

What is stopping you from this?

What would happen if you, just DO, and try it, before you say no?

Have an amazing day with all the new experiences waiting for you out there, and may they all be great and lifechanging in the best of ways ❤

MissFaylyn Out…

Published by missfaylyn

Hello :) I spend most of my times playing video games, its a huge passion of mine, and when i'm not doing that, I write, about anything and everything. I also stream my games on twitch.

One thought on “Dont Think Just Do

  1. I’m glad you got yourself together. I know it’s hard at the time, but you know, I put my mind and body through so much stress. Killing brain cells like crazy over bad, worthless women. And now I stand and look back, it wasn’t worth it.


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